Blog information

Hello everyone and all.

We are Águeda, Ángela, Elena, Eva, Isabel and Pilar.

In this blog, we can see different practices (activities and projects) aimed at primary students, each activity is designed for a particular age and course and they can be adapted to anyone course and/or age of students.
To make this blog we have worked as a team for each of the practices. At the beginning of each practice we had difficulties on the main objective because each member of the group had a different opinion, but all the opinions were good, however, by raffle and opinions we had in common we decided as focus the practices.

With the realization of these activities and projects, we have learned enough English vocabulary, and to know how to express ourselves in this language, because it is a language that we do not work daily, and even some have not we. In addition, we have learned to use different programs that we have not used before and that will serve us to use them tomorrow, as future teachers.

We hope you liked.

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