dimarts, 26 de setembre del 2017


In this entry we will talk about Project 3: Design a survey. Attitudes towards the use of IT in School. For the accomplishment of this practice we have carried out a questionnaire to investigate the daily use of ICT in the classroom and as its use regarding attention to diversity.


We have chosen the next topic, since we consider important, because it is assuming a profound social change, is modifying both the teaching model and the means of transmitting knowledge. In addition, the ICTs applied to the teaching-learning process provide an innovative and creative character, because they give access to new forms of communication; have a greater influence and benefit in greater proportion to the educational area, making it more dynamic and accessible. Therefore we think that teachers must be qualified to make good use of ICT.

To continue, with the completion of the questionnaire, what we want to check is the following:

Are ICTs present in the classroom?
What do teachers think about them?
What is its use?

Are teachers sufficiently prepared to use ICT?

To go to the questionnaire click HERE

The profile for whom this questionnaire is addressed is people related to teaching and the education system.

The total sample obtained 43 people. We have been able to observe after conducting our questionnaire, regarding the interviewed, the majority have an age between 18 and 30, and in addition, more than half have been women.

On the other hand, regarding the result of the questionnaire, the majority of respondents generally agree that ICT is an important and necessary tool to work in the classroom, which also facilitates learning and also helps us to the time to work with students with some special needs.

Although technological advances are now a reality, and we live in a world surrounded by technology, we have seen that all respondents do not agree to incorporate ICT at an early age.

In addition, two out of ten interviewees do not know any type of resource to work with ICT in the classroom, which makes us think that there may be a lack of training within the teaching field.

To conclude, we think that these aspects are necessary to work, since they offer a better quality teaching, and benefit the learning of the children, since it adapts to the needs of each student.

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